The Youth Ministry

The youth ministry is an arm of The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, a church in which holiness and righteousness is the watchword. Obviously, the eminent role and power of youths cannot be underestimated as they determine the future of any organization. With this, the Church has deemed it necessary to create a forum whereby youths can exploit their talents, live according to their God's given purpose, obtain basic knowledge to grow in all aspects of life, overcome life challenges and most importantly retain their genuine salvation.

In the world today, young people are looked up to for certain expectations and the youths of this movement are no exception.They are godly, energetic, ambitious and willing to save other youths who are not yet living in the light of the gospel. Little wonder the  vision statement below serves as their driving force:

Jubilant Youth
Carnival like Jubilation among the Youth 
To nurture the youths spiritually, academically, socially as to achieve the three fold vision of the church as follows:

*Grassroots revival all over the world Mark. 16;15; Luke 19:10
*Revival of the Apostolic Christian experiences among the body of Christ 1Peter. 2:9; Act 2:17
*Revival of heavenly consciousness in the heart of every believer.
Youth Choir

Youth Choir at their stand
Our scope is to refocus the minds of the youths in this age, uplift their lives and help establish them in their specific callings and vocation. This could be achieved by reaching out to the youths on the streets, in the market places, in the schools and impacting in them the rudiment and principles of life success to enable them overcome life challenges soar in exploit.
Cross section of the youth during service at the youth stand

Cross Section Of The Youth During Service At The Youth Stand.


In several branches of the church, the youths gather for meetings where they worship and listen to life changing messages that help them conquer, remain steadfast in faith and achieve God's purpose for their life.

  • 1st and 3rd Sunday Service Branch
    Youth Principles of Success
    Time: 8am daily

    2nd Sunday Service (combined @ HQ)
    Time:First Service: 6am daily
    Second Service: 10am daily

    4th Sunday Service (combined @ HQ)
    Time: 7am prompt
  • Youth Workers and Leaders Meeting
    At The Branch
    Time: 5pm - 7pm
  • Revival Hour
    HQ - Morning Session: 8am
    HQ - Evening Session: 5pm

    Revival Hour
    Branch - Evening Session: 5pm
  • Youth Departmental Meeting
    Time: 5pm - 7pm
  • Counseling and Deliverance Service
    Time: 6.30am

    General Youth Vigil (HQ)
    Time: 11pm
  • Youth Revival Hour
    Time: 5pm - 7pm

    General Vigil (HQ)
    Time: 10pm
  • Workers Meeting/ Bible Study (HQ)
    Time: 9am

    Youth Choir Rehearsal
    Time: 5pm - 7pm


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