Devotional Guide - August 2021

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Text: Exodus 15:2
Memory Verse: "And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us."(Numbers 31:49)
Showing appreciation unto God for preserving, protecting and providing for us should be the most important thing to do at this moment. The truth is that our seeing the beginning of another month is not by our power or might. Instead, it is by the spirit of God. During the same period of time, there were many people that lost their lives including people who were better than us in terms of character, righteousness and holiness. Some of them were more handsome or beautiful, had more money and better social connections. So, being alive today is not because we are more deserving than others. It is just by the grace and mercy of God.
It is only natural for humans to be under one kind of pressure or the other. As children of God, we must understand that there is time for everything. For everything we expect God to do for us, it is for an appointed time. Therefore, we must not allow the pressures of life to becloud our sense of judgment. We must allow God to have His way. Having survived another month and ushered into a new one, the first priority should be to appreciate God. It is very obvious and certain that we did not achieve it on our own. It has been entirely by the mercy and grace of God. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
In the light of the above, let us return all the glory unto God. Whether we like to admit it or not, God has been faithful to His promise to protect us. There is no doubt that is the perilous times the bible talks about, during which the wickedness of man will be showcased at an alarming proportion. Perilous times here refer to the level of grave danger that will envelope the world leading to men being lovers of themselves and not lovers of God. The result: Persecution of those that love God, killings, anarchy and so on. It is in the face of these hostilities that God has spared us. We only hear of the carnage and death, but are not affected by them. (Psalm 91:8-10) So, it's not by any special precaution on our side that we have been able to overcome so far. Rather, it is an act of God's mercy. This we must acknowledge and give Him all the glory and thanks. That should be the first thought in our hearts as we enter the new month. The reason is because it will please the Lord who has done it for us. He does not accept food, drinks or money.
All He requires is that we give Him praise, which doesn't cost us anything either. Maybe you have not built a new house or bought a new car or had large sums of money stashed inside your bank accounts as you envisaged. Yet, you are still alive today. Being alive provides you with the opportunity to give life another try. So, be grateful to God; if not for anything; for being alive.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Father, I thank you for preserving me and my family and all the chosen people worldwide during this period of tribulation and bring us into another new month, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, we thank you for protecting and preserving our G. O, Mommy in the Lord, their children and entire family, in Jesus name.
3. O God our Father, as we enter into the new month, may our watchful eyes be upon all the chosen people and let your hand of power envelope us, in Jesus name.
4. Father, may this wind of death and destruction sweeping across our nation not consume any chosen. By your mercy, avert war in our nation, in Jesus Name.
5. Lord, by your spirit and power, let anything we lay our hands upon in the new month prosper by the anointing in your word, in Jesus name.
TEST: Psalm 136
Memory Verse: "O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.โ (Psalm 136:1)
The mercy of God requires a special mention in today's devotional because of the key role it has played in the life we enjoy today. If not the mercy of God, one begins to wonder how we would have escaped the wrath of the enemy against us. The tension rose to the point whereby many people began to plan their escape from the land. In fact, those that had valid travel documents dusted them and boarded the planes to escape from the land. However, we put our trust in the Lord and today, it has paid off for the Lord has visited us with mercy. It is for this reason that we must pay special attention to what God has done in our lives during the past months by His mercy.
The Psalmist was a man who understood the impact of God's mercies in the lives of His children and duly responded by declaring it and appreciating Him. The truth is that mercy cancels out judgment. God delights in mercy (Micah 7:18). He that delights in mercy will obviously show mercy. Where you are not qualified as a person by righteousness, prayer, fasting, seed sowing, tithe, etc, mercy can cancel out whatever judgment you are going through and give you a new beginning. These are things the mercy of God has enabled in our lives. Therefore, having been preserved by God's mercy, we need to acknowledge and give Him special thanks and appreciation for being alive, overcoming situations and circumstances and obtaining victory over our enemies on every front. These are acts of God's mercies and must not be swept under the carpet.
Only the living can praise the Lord. Now that the Lord has preserved and saved you, there is every need to acknowledge His mercies and praise Him. After all, you are not better than all the people that had died. You are certainly not better, richer, holier, more handsome/beautiful than all of them. The difference between you and those that died is God's mercy. Stop thinking about those things you have not yet done or achieved. Just acknowledge God's mercies and give Him all the glory and praise that He deserves.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. O Lord God my Father, I acknowledge your mercies upon my life and want to specially appreciate you for deeming me worthy to be among the living today, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, let your mercy continue to speak on behalf of the chosen people throughout the remaining part of this year, in Jesus name.
3. Let mercy characterize step of our G. O, Mommy in the Lord, their children and entire family, in Jesus name.
4. Father, let your mercies continue to abide upon The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry, our three-fold vision and ten billion souls mandate, in Jesus name.
Text: Genesis 1:1-31
Memory Verse: "The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.โ (Zecharia 12:1)
The foundation of abundance is in the word of God, which created the heaven and the earth and everything therein. Our text for today outlines the role the word of God played in the establishment of all the structures of the earth including the sky, seas, waters, etc. He simply said, "Let there be," and everything came to be Therefore, if you are to inherit the blessings proclaimed by the word of God, it means you must be conversant with His word, perceive it as the power of God and key into it as the God that you see. No man had ever seen God, but we come to believe that He is by the works He has done.
The word of God had been from the beginning and the word had been with God and the word is God Himself.. (John 1:1) This means that the word of God is God personified. It is the blueprint of life for those that believe in Him and follow Him. It is for this reason that God instructed Joshua to be strong and courageous and never depart from His word. When you follow the word of God, it means you have located the foundation for abundance. The word of opens the door for spiritual, material, financial abundance. There is no aspect of life that the word of God does not cover. That is why the bible says that the word of God is life.
Having become aware of the importance of the word of God in living a life of abundance, all you need to do is to key into it (Joshua 1:7-8), and observe to do it (Deuteronomy 28:1-2). Acquaint yourself with it. (Job 22:21-23) Don't forget, the word of God requires that you live holy and righteous and according to His will and commandment. Then work hard and demonstrate ample faith and abundance will be your portion.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Let the power in the word of God be translated into my life, in Jesus name.
2. By the power in the word of God, I command abundance upon my life and destiny, in Jesus name,
3. By the power in the word of God, I stop the manifestation and operation of any evil word spoken into my life, in Jesus name.
4. O God, release the abundance of your grace, anointing and mercy of God come upon our G. O, Mommy in the Lord and their children, in Jesus name.
5. We pray for the peace of our nation and cancel any war situation, in Jesus name,
Text: Jeremiah 11:22
Memory Verse: โThis evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing."(Jeremiah 13:10)
If the news we hear every day is anything to go by, there is no point wondering if the Lord is angry with us as a people. Every news item contains violence, rape, arson, death, destruction, kidnaping, ritual killing, accidents, corruption, looting of public treasures, prostitution, armed robbery, racketeering - name them. The list is endless. Today, the recklessness in our nation has given rise to banditry, insurgency, kidnaping and the Unknown Gun Men syndrome. Meanwhile, there is no more news that gladden the heart. As a nation, we have become like the evil people who refuse to hear the word of God; who walk in the imagination of their hearts (of course, imagining vain things). Occult practices, idolatry and false worship have become the order of the day. As a result of these things, the Lord likens us to be a girdle of good for nothing.
If things continue the way they are going, there are chances that they can escalate. We might not have the opportunity to congregate to worship our God. Schools might close down and our children forced to stay home. Markets, business and work places are likely to come under lock and key. By then, it becomes difficult transporting and distributing the already scarce goods and services. And because of the scarcity of these goods and services, stealing, robbery and prostitution, ritual killing and kidnapping will witness an unprecedented increase. Without doubt, this is a situation that calls for caution. It requires a lot of carefulness to ensure we are not consumed by this terrible wind of evil blowing across the land.
Honestly, this situation that calls for total repentance. The hand of the Lord is already stretched out for judgment. In our text today, He says He will release punishment. Today, death and destruction have enveloped the land. Blood is poured out everywhere and everybody is running helter-skelter. Many are asking, "Where do we go from here?" Brethren, this is a time we need serious intervention to avert the calamity that is about to befall us as a nation. We must ask God Almighty to remove it by His mercy. Let us follow the example of the people of Nineveh who repented with ashes and sackcloth and obtained mercy, Let us go into fasting asking God to show our nation mercy and cancel the destruction dangling over it. Therefore stand in the gap for yourself, family, church and our nation at large. We must not allow the program of the anti-Christ to supersede the time table of heaven as long as we are still here on the earth. Let us pray the way we never did before. Without peace in the land, there will be no progress and abundance will be a mirage.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Any calamity, disaster, tragedy, affliction and sorrow targeted to happen in my life, family and nation; be averted, in Jesus name.
2. Any evil waiting for my G. O, Mommy in the Lord and their children; scatter by fire, in Jesus name.
3. Lord, anything that will make me to become good for nothing; be cancelled, in Jesus name.
4. Any satanic land mine laid by the devil against the chosen people wherever they may be; explode upon the enemy's head, in Jesus name.
5. Every calamity which we deserve as a nation and people; be averted by the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
Text: Isaiah 41:10-13
Memory Verse: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."(John 10:10b)
The promissor is a person who makes a promise. We take promises seriously or otherwise based on our perception of the person who has made the promise. When a person makes a promise, we try to make an assessment of him to know whether he has all it takes to fulfill the promise. This has become necessary considering the fact that it is not everyone who makes a promise that fulfills it. Some people make promises, but when it comes to fulfilling it, they will be nowhere to be found.
Now, God has made a lot of promises unto mankind and we want to find out if He has all it takes to fulfill His word. He says He has come that we might have abundance of life. We should be able to realize the difference between man and God when it comes to making promises. God is not a man. He is a Spirit. Man is a mere mortal. God's power is limitless, whereas man is limited. Man can lie, but God cannot lie. So, with these credentials of God, we come to understand that whatever He promises, He goes ahead to fulfill it. The reason is because He is holy and righteous and has the resources and capability to fulfill all His promises.
This explanation has become necessary to make us see enough reason to believe the promises of God for our lives. I might not know exactly what you are going through in life. However, the truth is that God has spoken a word of promise concerning that situation. You must therefore key into the promise bearing in mind that God is faithful and has the resources and capability. There is nothing too hard for Him to do. (Jeremiah 32:27) To key into God's promise is to have faith in Him. God Himself is not pleased with faithless believers (Hebrews 11:6). God does not fail and will never fail. So, knowing He can do all things and that nobody can stop Him, it only becomes reasonable that you believe Him and put your trust Him. You can build up your faith and trust through constant fellowship in the presence of God mixed with relentless prayer supplications. Once you attain that spiritual height whereby your belief and faith can propel a miracle, you are on your way to abundance of everything - spiritually, materially, financially, etc.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Any spirit of fear, doubt and unbelief; be cast out of my life, in Jesus
2. That voice ministering discouragement into my heart; be silent, in Jesus
3. By the faithfulness in the word of God, I decree abundance upon my life and destiny, in Jesus name.
4. By the power and authority in the blood of Jesus Christ, I decree abundance of God's grace and anointing upon our G. O and Mommy in the Lord, in Jesus name.
5. O God our Father, cancel any war brewing in our nation, in Jesus name.
Text: Ezekiel 5:16-17
Memory Verse: "..... If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)
There are times when God unleash punishment upon His people. The bible tags it, "Chastening." Any child of God who does not accept chastening is tagged a bastard. Our earthly fathers chastise us and we give them their due respect. Meanwhile, they are susceptible to evil. So, why can't we accept chastening from our heavenly Father who is righteous and just. Chastening is usually handed down as a corrective measure though it is not always pleasant. Nevertheless, we must humble ourselves if we are to get out of its sometimes devastating effects. God says, "If I shut up heavens that there be no rain..," which means, God can shut up heavens and cause the rains to cease. Again, He says, "I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people." This also means that the Lord can command the locusts to devour our lands and eat up the harvest, and allow pestilence to ravage the people like in the case of the corona virus pandemic, which He allowed. However, because of His inexhaustible mercy, He makes provision for the reversal of whatever judgments He has pronounced on the condition that we humble ourselves and repent and pray.
The concern here is that we should humble ourselves. When we realize our waywardness and wretchedness wholeheartedly and repent from all of them and begin to ask God to show mercy and cancel every judgment, He said He will hear from heaven and answer our prayers and heal our land. Our land here includes our economy, finances, destiny, health, etc. Now, the Lord has sent the land evil arrows of famine, which if left unattended to, will increase and lead to destruction. He has allowed the evil beasts in the form of killers, insurgents, bandits, etc and they are bereaving families, making many women widows and childless, making children orphans. Before now, He allowed the corona virus to paint the world red with blood. The Lord is warning that He would bring the sword upon the nation and the world. Therefore, this is the time to humble ourselves and stand in the gap for our family, church, G. O and his family, nation and the world in general. The truth is that if these situations are allowed to persist, it will be difficult enjoying God's abundance.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. By the power and authority in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, I separate myself and family from any calamity, disaster, tragedy, sorrow and affliction, in Jesus name.
2. I cancel any appointment the devil has booked for me and other members of my family to die, in Jesus name.
3. I command the obituary poster the enemy has printed over my life bearing my name and photograph, awaiting distribution and pasting to catch fire, in Jesus name.
4. Any power or human being targeting our G. O, Mommy in the Lord or any of their children for death and destruction; die in their place, in Jesus.
5. Father, whatever be the destruction you have pronounced upon our nation; for the sake of your covenant with the chosen ones, let it be cancelled, in Jesus name.
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:10
Memory Verse: โAnd God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.โ(Genesis 1:28)
One of the major reasons many professed believers cannot enter into God's abundance is because they hardly know who they are. They only see themselves as just being nothing. They hardly recognize the fact that God had proclaimed blessings armed with a divine mandate to activate the blessings. The only things they recognize about themselves are perceived weaknesses and disabilities. Meanwhile, God has created humans and bestowed upon us an inherent capability to overcome all obstacles on our way. All that is required is the grace of God to activate our inherent God given potentials.
In our memory verse for today, the scripture outlines that God has proclaimed blessings upon man and released a divine mandate to activate the blessings. However, only those who recognize that they can do all things because Christ strengthens them can reach their life's goals. (Philippians 4:13) Maybe you are yet to come to terms with who you are or what is in you. The truth is that at creation, God had programmed you to be an achiever, a winner and over comer. As humans, we were created in the image and likeness of God and to operate in dominion. By this program, you have therefore received the divine empowerment to be fruitful and multiply, replenish and subdue and have dominion over everything and therefore live in abundance. Whatever you will become in this life is tied to your ability or inability to recognize who you are or what is in you.
The grace to partake in God's abundance is derived from in the power in the spoken word of God. The word of God reveals that you are His express image and likeness endued with dominion power. You are therefore lifted above obstacles and hindrances. By the power in the spoken word of God, you are unstoppable and your life untouchable. Nobody can stop you, except yourself. Therefore, take advantage of the immense capability God has deposited upon you through His word and break barriers and limitations and enter into God's abundance for your life. If you are living a life of leanness, scarcity, hardship and poverty, it is certainly because you are yet to recognize who you are and what is inside of you. Awake from your slumber today. Accept Jesus Christ into your life to be your Lord and Saviour. Then you will receive a corresponding power to operate as a son/daughter of God and abundance shall be your portion.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. By the reason of what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross of Calvary, I receive fresh grace to make it in life, in Jesus name.
2. I command the anointing for abundance to come upon my life, in Jesus name.
3. Any spirit of suffering, leanness, scarcity, stagnation, spiritual embargoes, rising/falling operating in my life/destiny; be separated from me by fire, in Jesus name.
4. Any power working to limit our G. O and Mommy in the Lord in order to hinder God's divine mandate upon them; receive double frustration, in Jesus name.
5. O God our Father, we do not want war in our nation. Therefore, every program and plan of the devil to plunge this nation into war; be cancelled, in Jesus name.
Text: Psalm 122:6
Memory Verse: "And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land.โ (Leviticus 26:6)
While we are thinking about how to enter into abundance of all things that are good and wonderful, we need to consider the environment we live in now. Does it support peace? Peace is the ultimate goal because without it, everything will be in disarray and we will not have an enabling environment to achieve the goal of abundance. Already, we have seen the precarious situation of things in our nation. There has been widespread crisis and unrest. These are signs that when there is no peace, there will hardly be any kind of abundance. In the face of the prevailing situation of lawlessness and anarchy, many innocent souls have paid the supreme price. Structures, both public and private have been razed down. Hatred along ethnic and religious lines are recording unprecedented increase and there is palpable fear in the land.
However, the anti-Christ wants to capitalize on this fragile nature of peace to perpetuate itself in our nation and the world at large. As a church, we have the mandate to preach the gospel all over the world and to win 10 billion souls into the kingdom of God before the imminent rapture of the saints. Therefore, in the light of the above, we must pray fervently for God to restore peace in our land. The advantage of having peace is that it will enable us to continue to preach the gospel in order to win more souls into the kingdom of God. Therefore, while we are here on earth, we must not allow the program of the anti-Christ to prevail.
If we travail in prayer, God is willing to restore peace in our land and none shall be able to make us afraid any longer. When the peace of God pervades the land, whatever represents evil beasts in the land such as those that sponsor insurgency, destruction, killing, banditry, kidnapping and so on, shall be swept aside. Remember, these things cannot subside except we go into prayer. So, we must use this period to ask for God's intervention because without peace, abundance of life will be difficult, if not impossible.
It is for the sake of peace that our text today recommends that the inhabitants of Jerusalem pray for its peace. Therefore, for the sake of peace in our nation and the world in general, God is urging us to pray. It is only when there is peace that we can go to work, our children will go to school and more over, we shall be able to gather together to worship our God.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. By the power and authority in the blood of Jesus Christ, I decree that the wind of death and destruction sweeping across the land shall not blow over our heads and roof, in Jesus name.
2. During this period, I decree that tragedy, calamity, disaster, affliction and sorrow shall be far from all the chosen people worldwide wherever they may be, in Jesus name.
3. Any appointment the devil has booked for me or any other member of my family our great ministry to die, shall not hold, in Jesus name.
4. In unity of faith with one another, we the chosen people decree that our G.O, Mommy in the Lord, their children and entire family shall not be victims of any evil happening in our nation, in Jesus name.
5. Father, we pray for peace in our nation. We cancel war, in Jesus name.
Isaiah 1:19, Deuteronomy 28:1-2
Memory Verse: โAnd having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.โ (2 Corinthians 10:6)
Obedience to God's will and commandment is the major pathway to abundance. The entire covenant of God with man is hinged on obedience. Our memory verse for today declares God's readiness to revenge all disobedience only when our obedience is complete or total. Many people had erroneously believed that abundance comes through prayer and fasting. Not at all! Prayer and fasting are good, but they are not the most important thing needed to enter into abundance. God operates through principles and we can only move forward in life when we operate by these principles. The most important pathway towards entering into abundance is OBรDIENCE.
It is natural for everyone to get excited at the prospect of living in abundance. However, the question remains: Are you willing and obedient to follow the principles for abundance? God did not mince words in telling us that obedience to His will and commandments will open the door of supernatural abundance into our lives. (Deuteronomy 28:1-13) Therefore, it is not all about desiring God's abundance. Rather, it is about obeying His will and commandments to serve Him in spirit and in truth.
What this means is that in this month of Abundance, you must ensure total obedience to the commandment of God. That is the first step. Before you can ask someone to help you, it is important to have a right standing with that person. It is that right standing that will give him/her the drive to grant your desires unto you. As humans, our help can only come from the Lord. It therefore makes sense to reconcile with Him by way of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. Remember, Jesus Christ came to open the door of abundance for us. (John 10:10b). As you accept Him into your life today, you shall have unrestricted access into God's abundance.
As a professed believer, do you walk in obedience to the commandments of God? This is the first step towards abundance, without which every effort will amount to exercise in futility. Therefore, you must ensure you set your priorities right before thinking of moving forward and then entering into God's abundance in every area of your life. Our text for today outlines the indispensability of the factors of willingness and obedience as the entrance doors to the good of the land. Being willing is one thing; being obedient is another. Being willing is not the same thing as being obedient. If you are willing and not obedient, you are not qualified. That is why you must be both willing and obedient as they qualify you for abundance of everything.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. O God my Father, I ask that you release upon me the spirit of obedience to your word, in Jesus name.
2. O God my Father, by your Spirit, lead me to the pathway of abundance, in Jesus name.
3. By the power and authority in the word of God, I command contending with God's anointing for our G. O and Mommy in the Lord to catch fire, in Jesus name.
4. Lord, grant us peace in our nation especially during this period, in Jesus name.
Text: Psalm 119:89
Memory Verse: โBut without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.โ (Hebrews 11:6)
Our Daddy in the Lord, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, has declared this month as the Month of Abundance. It is certain that many people might be wondering how they can operate in abundance in the face of the harsh economic realities in our nation and the world in general as an aftermath of the Corona Virus pandemic. As believers in Christ, we have this assurance that God has the capability to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus irrespective of any adverse economic situation. So, we are not supposed to be perturbed by the economic indices of inflation, scarcity, high cost of living and so on.
In Samaria during the time of Prophet Elisha, inflation had reached an alarming proportion leading to economic stagnation to the point that people were not even sure where the next meal would come from. It was that bad. However, in the heat of that period, Elisha prophesied an upturn. On hearing Elisha's proclamation, a right hand man of the king doubted the prophetic utterance arguing that even if God made windows in heaven, it would not come to pass. (2 Kings 7:1-2) Eventually, it happened and he saw it. But he did not partake of it as he was stampeded to death for doubting the word of God through His prophet.
Without faith in the word of God, it becomes practically impossible to enter into God's abundance. The word of God does not take into account what we see or hear. It says the just shall live by faith. Like Prophet Elisha, our Daddy in the Lord has declared this month as the Month of Abundance. Unlike the right hand man of the king who doubted Elisha's prophecy, you must not make the same mistake and doubt what our G. O has declared in order to avoid a situation whereby others will experience it while you are left out. Therefore, stand strong by faith in the word of God and work towards it and abundance shall be your portion this month, in Jesus name.
Therefore, if you are going to operate in abundance this month, you must have STRONG FAITH in the word of God. You must believe the report from heaven and not the report of economic experts. That is to say, that you must not subscribe to the impact of the Corona Virus pandemic on the economy of the world and the exchange rate. Instead, have absolute faith in the word of God. Doubting the power in the word of God through faithlessness has far reaching implications for your survival during this period.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. By faith in the word of God through His servant, I key into God's program of abundance for His chosen ones this month, in Jesus name.
2. By the power in the spoken word of God, I decree and declare abundance upon my life, in Jesus name.
4. Any power or spirit assigned to hinder the abundance of God's grace and anointing upon our Daddy and Mommy in the Lord; be frustrated, in Jesus name.
5. Father, we pray for peace in our nation. Let the bloodletting cease, in Jesus
Text: Job 1:8-22
Text: John 12:25
Memory Verse: ".... and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish."(Esther 4:16)
The reason many people cannot get to the point where they can say, "I have abundance of all things," is because they do not have the nerves to challenge themselves. They are always skeptical that it is not possible or doable. For that reason, they give it no try. The implication is that they become stagnated and begin to play chance cards. With this kind of mind-set, whenever they encounter any obstacle or hindrance on their way, they fizzle out. If you are among those that are not ready to stick out their necks to survive or overcome, may I inform you that life is full of risks. Nowhere is safe, not even the inside of your home.
For any situation that comes your way, you need to be ready to confront it headlong and not to back off or shy away from it. Esther and the Jews living in Shushan under King Ahasuerus were confronted by the problem posed by the wicked Haman. He had conceived an evil plot to exterminate all the Jews living in Shushan because of his hatred for Mordecai. In that case, something urgent needed to be done in order to avert the impending disaster. Esther thought about this and knew she had to take a decisive step or else things would get out of hand. Together with her maidens and all the Jews living in Shushan, she embarked on a three-day dry fast. As at the time of the fast, it was not an appointed time to seek audience with the king. Doing such would amount to a breach of official protocol which violation was instant death. Esther had to take that risk and declared, "If I perish, I perish." From her statement, she was not sure how it would end, but she was ready to give it her all even if meant losing her life in the process. Esther exemplifies a woman who was ready to give life her all by taking a great risk going in unto the king when it was not convenient. The lesson inherent in that behaviour is that there is nothing we set our hearts to do, that we cannot achieve.
Therefore, whatsoever we desire to achieve in this life, we must be prepared to challenge ourselves and take the necessary risks. Many believers love the song, "Abraham blessings are mine." Abraham's blessings were transferred to us through his sons Isaac and Jacob and we become partakers of the blessings through Jesus Christ. However, the irony today, is that many people cannot pay the price of faith which Abraham paid. Yet, they expect the same results. As a believer, maybe you have decided to give up because you do not see any bright light ahead of you, do not give. Rise to the occasion and give it a try. Follow the example of Esther who staked her life in her bid to obtain deliverance for her people. No matter the hopelessness of the situation you find yourself, you must not grow weary or faint and therefore, give up. Life is full of battles. So, do not give up. The good news is that we are now under the dispensation of the grace of God through His Son Jesus Christ, which is sufficient unto you to ensure victory on every front. Therefore, hold on to God's promise that never fails and be rest assured that He will give you abundance of all things.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Any spirit of lukewarm attitude, laxity and apathy operating in my life, be cast out by fire, in Jesus name.
2. O God, give me the determination, grit and doggedness that I need to unlock the doors of God's abundant blessings upon my life, in Jesus name.
3. O God, by the reason of your covenant upon the chosen ones through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob manifesting through your Son Jesus Christ, release greater anointing for abundance of all things upon our G. O and Mommy in the Lord, in Jesus name.
4. Father, we pray for divine intervention in our nation. Let there be no war Instead, grant us peace, in Jesus name.
Matthew 25:14-30
Memory Verse: "When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream."(Psalm 126:1)
Many people have been under captivity for so long that they can't imagine that they will ever get out of that terrible situation. It has become a way of life and they have learnt to 'manage' it. The enemy has gained such a stronghold that they have lost all hope. The problem has lasted so long that it is now a part of them and they have decided to live with it. However, by the time of God's intervention, all the troubles shall be no more and it will be like a dream. This was the situation when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion and the people became like they were in a dream. It was a huge surprise and unexpected. This is what the Lord is out to re-enact in your life.
The Israelites experienced terrible bondage in the hands of the Egyptians while they were in Egypt for 430 years. Generations were born and died in captivity. They lived under terrible conditions. They were forced to work hard for little or no wages. At a point, Pharaoh issued a decree that every male child should be killed in a bid to stop them from becoming a more powerful nation. But even in the midst of that terrible oppression, God was planning their deliverance. Moses was saved despite the decree that was in place to kill him. And to prove that God is greater than man and it is only His will that will stand, He arranged that Moses would be raised in the same Palace where the decree to kill him emanated. Eventually Moses grew and was sent to deliver the Israelites from bondage and in one night the bondage of 430 years came to an abrupt end!
The truth is that God's hand is not shortened that He cannot save. He makes all things beautiful for those who trust and obey Him in due time. That long lasting situation that seems hopeless is not an issue before God. It is for His name to be glorified. All you have to do is continue to worship and serve Him with all your heart, soul and body. Thank Him for His promise to deliver and the deliverance that He has wrought in time past in your life and the lives of others. He is faithful and has not called the seed of Jacob (of which the Chosen are) to seek Him in vain. He will surely turn your captivity around and you will be like those that dream! Wait on Him. He will surely see you through.
What is that situation you are going through that can be likened to the Israelites' bondage in Egypt? Don't lose hope for all is not lost. God will make mockery of every plan that your enemies have concerning you today in Jesus' name. In their very presence, He will exalt you!
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. O Lord, have mercy and compassion and cause my captivity to turn around, in Jesus name!
2. Every stubborn situation in my life, I break your stranglehold, in Jesus
3. Lord, arise and execute judgment on my oppressors, in Jesus name.
4. Any power working to bring down our G. O and Mommy in the Lord because of the gospel; be wasted by fire, in Jesus name.
5. O God our Father, save our nation from war and destruction, in Jesus name
Text: Genesis 21:1-10
Memory Verse: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Often times in our desperation to find answers or solutions to long lasting problems, we tend to look for answers outside God's will for us. This is dangerous and at the same time foolish. Dangerous because it will end up causing more problems than what was previously on ground and foolish because we are not wiser than God. No matter how long it takes, let's endeavour to wait for God's timing and will.
At a point, Sarah grew tired of waiting for God's promise and tried to bring about the fulfillment of His promise through her own method. Sarah tried to 'help' God out by using her servant Hagar to produce an offspring. This caused more problems along the line. Hagar became puffed up and disobedient and Sarah felt slighted and blamed Abraham. The once peaceful home started to experience conflict. God was merciful to overlook this and still went on to fulfill His promise of giving Abraham and Sarah a son of their own.
In today's text we see that God at His own timing did what He promised to do. However, Sarah now had to contend with the problem that Ishmael constituted in the scheme of things. He was technically the first son and had right to his father's inheritance. In Sarah's eyes, he was more of an intruder and the son of a slave woman; not Abraham's son. In her haste, she created a problem that is still raging even till today. This is what happens when we apply our own solution to our problems. Our solution can never be compared to the perfect gift God has in store for us if we can patiently wait and trust in Him.
Are you currently making alternative plans because you have gotten tired of waiting for the Lord? Stop right now! Don't complicate your situation. If care is not taken, you might end up making mistakes that might hunt you, your children or family later. This can have disastrous consequences. Do not use your own hands to create a bigger problem by seeking to take a shortcut to solve and end your captivity. Do not truncate the plan of God for your life due to impatience. Wait for God's perfect will for you and your faith will not be put to shame in Jesus' name.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Dear Lord, give me the grace to wait upon you even when all hope seems to be lost, in Jesus name.
2. Father, give me the enabling grace to understand good towards me and may I not lean on my own understanding, in Jesus' name.
3. Any evil voice ministering doubt and discouragement into my heart, I silence you in Jesus name.
4. Lord, catapult our G. O's and Mommy in the Lord's faith to an extraordinary level, in Jesus name.
5. Lord, we pray for peace in our nation. Let every plan of war be cancelled, in Jesus name.
Text: Romans 8: 5-12
Memory Verse: "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak." (Mark 14:38)
There is a wise saying that the only thing that can stop you from succeeding in life (apart from God) is You. No force can stop a determined and discipline soul. Similarly, the only thing that can stop you from following God acceptably is your FLESร. The flesh is that thing in you that desires comfort rather than discipline or self-control. It loves pleasure and hates pain. The flesh wants to sleep or watch T.V rather than read the Bible. The flesh wants to eat rather than fast. It desires to be anywhere but church. It is what makes you too shy to preach to your friends despite the fact that, that is what Jesus commissioned you to do. It is what makes you want to dress like the world instead of embracing modesty. It is what makes you argue with God as if you are wiser than Him. That is why the bible insists that those that are in the flesh cannot please God.
The flesh, if not controlled and subdued will led many to hell. The flesh is contrary to the things of God and seeks only its pleasure. It is not bothered about the spiritual because it belongs to this world. It is indeed a mighty captor! However, we cannot profess to be true believers if we do not mortify our flesh and make it subject to the Spirit of God that dwells in us. When you drop your body, it will rot and return to dust from where it was taken from. The earth is its terminal destination. Therefore it is not concerned about heavenly issues. In fact it has the capability to truncate our journey to eternal glory if left unchecked. And that is why a decision has to be made and urgently too.
God has given every true believer the power to subdue his/her flesh. His grace that He has deposited in us is more than sufficient to conquer the rule of the flesh in our lives. With His grace we can crucify the flesh and make it subject to our desires. You must therefore not allow something that will not be present at God's judgment seat to jeopardize where you immortal soul will spend eternity. You must begin to ensure that your flesh is subject to the spirit that dwells within you. To tame the power of the flesh requires making a firm decision anchored on the grace of God. The truth is that on our own, we can do nothing. So, you must first abide in Him and He in you (John 15:4-5) Abiding in Him means you must first seek for His kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33) Once this is secured via repentance and salvation, the enabling grace to live holy and righteous will be released.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Lord, I ask for your enabling grace to subdue my flesh and make it subject to your will, in Jesus name.
2. Every desire in me that is contrary to your Spirit that dwells in me; be consumed by fire, in Jesus name.
3. I pray that all the Chosen Ones worldwide will receive grace to live victorious Christian life, in Jesus name.
4. I pray for grace upon grace in the life of my G. O and Mommy in the Lord, in Jesus name.
5. Lord, rain down peace upon our nation. Disappoint all the war mongers fanning the embers of war, in Jesus name.
Text: 1 John 2: 15-17
Memory Verse: โAnd they that use this world, as not abusing it for the fashion of this world passeth away." (1 Corinthians 7:31)
Why is something described as vanity? It is because it is short-lived and vanishes away suddenly. Think about all the various things that have once held people spell bond. For example, when GSM first started in Nigeria there was a handset called Nokia 3310. Some people committed all sorts of atrocities to own that handset. Some women entered into immoral relationships just to own the handset. What about Mercedes Benz 230 box type car? Some people sacrificed human blood to ride that car. What about all the fashionable clothes of the 70's? Are they still wearable today? The beautiful and handsome women and men of 1960s, if alive today, will no longer be regarded as such today. All the money that many politicians and civil servants stole are sitting idle in banks. Some of the owners have died and their families don't know where the monies are or they are fighting over it in court. The mansions that were built in 1970s, 80s and even 90s no longer hold anyone spell bound as they leak and beg for repairs. All these point to the fact that there is nothing that is of lasting value. To quote King Solomon, 'vanity upon vanity, all is vanityโ.
The fashion of the world is fleeting, yet multitudes risk eternity and fall captive to vanity that is short-lived. Apart from them not being of lasting value, they can also not be taken along when it is time to leave this world. That money you worked so hard for, that did not give you time to worship God, and was not given out to your brethren in need because of stinginess, will eventually be spent by someone else who did not know what sacrifices you made to earn it. That house that you painstakingly built and spent so much money, will be sold off to some stranger who may later demolish it and erect something new. Those valuables that meant so much to you may be thrown away by people who will not attach the same value to it as you did.
The question you need to ask yourself is, "Where does this leave you?" Are all these temporary things worth spending eternity in hell? Will someone really want to go to hell for a Nokia 3310 or a Box Benz 230 as some others eventually did? Will you risk eternity for even a $1billon that you will not be able to take along with you but rather leave it behind for others, who will still die to enjoy? I can assure you that there is nothing in this world that is worth going to hell for. God that knows the value of human life, spared the most precious possession He had just to redeem you. You were bought with so rich a price. Do not be deceived by vanity. Don't sell yourself cheap.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Dear Lord, give me the grace to be heavenly focused, in Jesus name.
2. O Lord, by your spirit and grace, I separate myself from this world and its vanities, in Jesus name.
3. Dear Lord, grant the Chosen ones the grace to love you above all things, in Jesus' name.
4. Any spirit assigned to bring distraction to our G. O and Mommy in the Lord in their quest to actualize our vision and mandate; be vanquished by fire, in Jesus name.
5. By the power and authority in the name of Jesus Christ, we decree peace in this nation, in Jesus name.
Text: 2 Kings 5: 9-14
Memory Verse: "When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person." (Job 22:29)
It is only when a person is down that he can be lifted up in other words it's only a humble person that will receive help since it is only when a person acknowledges that he needs help that he will get it. A proud person is too haughty to admit he needs help. A proud spirit will hinder you from receiving any help from God. The Bible makes us to know that Lord resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
In today's reading we read of the story of Naaman, a captain in the Syrian army who was a mighty man of valour, however he was leper. His wife's maid who happened to be an Israelite told her of Elisha and he went to Israel to seek a cure. Even though he sought help, we can see that Naaman was a very proud person. His pride nearly made him lose his healing. Firstly he felt slighted that Elisha had not come out personally to acknowledge him. As a captain he felt that his status should have been acknowledged. Even with a reproachful disease such as leprosy he displayed a haughty spirit. He also felt that he was too big to do the simple thing he was instructed to do. In his view how can dipping in the river Jordan seven times be a cure for leprosy? Even if dipping in a river was the solution to his problem, he felt there were better rivers in Syria. His pride almost cost him his healing. It took the intervention of his servant girl for him to see reason and humble himself. When he showed humility and followed the instruction of the prophet he was healed.
Have you heard the undiluted word of God and are still resisting because you feel you are too big to follow the commandments of God? Do you think that the word that is being preach applies to others but not to you because you feel you have made it? If so your captivity has just started. It is better to humble yourself before God humbles you. You need to humble yourself and cry out in genuine repentance and plead for mercy.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. O Lord, give me the enabling grace to be humble and not think highly of myself, in Jesus name.
2. Forgive me, Lord, for anytime in which I have manifested pride, in Jesus name.
3. God, have mercy and look at my humble state and deliver me from any form of captivity in Jesus name.
4. I pray that my G. O and Mommy in the Lord will remain grounded in humility, in Jesus name.
5. As chosen people, we decree that peace must reign in our nation, in Jesus name.
Text: Mark 6:1-6
Memory Verse: "And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.โ(Luke 5:17)
Many times people wonder why they are not recipients of God's intervention especially when all around them are testifying about His wonderful works. Because they are not experiencing the move of God in their lives they start to doubt the authenticity of what they hear and see. You might ask yourself why some people receive while others don't despite the fact that they are exposed to the same word of truth.
The answer to this question can be gleaned from our Bible reading and memory verse of today. In the time of Jesus, His own people found it hard to believe in Him even though they were seeing and hearing of the miracles that He was doing. They could not get over the fact that they knew His supposed roots. They thought they knew whose son He was and had watched Him grow up. Despite the evidence of miracles to back up His claims that He was the Messiah, they still saw Him as that 'boy' that was born yesterday and grew up in their midst.
Our memory verse is taken from a very well-known passage about the paralytic that was healed when four of his friends passed him through the roof. But our focus here is on the Pharisees and doctors of the law that were also present at the time. The verse tells us that the power of the Lord was present to heal them'. This means that even the Pharisees and doctors of the law had access to divine healing, but their unbelief, pride and hypocrisy caused by familiarity deprived them of receiving. There must have been amongst them those that also required healing however it was only the man who showed faith and humility that was healed. They missed their time of visitation!
Are you also too familiar with the word of God or/and his servants? Your attitude may be why you are still in bondage. The Bible tells us that Jesus "could there do no mighty work". Not that He would not but that He could not. Their familiarity caused them to doubt Jesus and that hindered the move of God in their lives and caused them their deliverance. Brethren, it is time for self-examination if you have not experienced the power of God in the midst of the Chosen congregation. His power is present to save, heal and deliver. Amend your ways and your captivity will be broken. Do not miss your time of visitation.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Lord, help me so I will not take your word or your servant for granted, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, by your grace, I will not miss my time of visitation in Jesus name.
3. Any spirit of familiarity assigned to run down my spiritual battery, catch fire, in Jesus name.
4. Father, release extraordinary grace and anointing upon our G. O and Mommy in the Lord to remain humble, in Jesus name.
5. Father, create an enabling environment for peace to enable us serve you with joy, in Jesus name.
Text: Mark 10:46-49
Memory Verse: "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force". Matthew 11:12
No captor will willingly let you go. A captive that wants to break free will definitely be met with strong resistance. The word 'breakthrough' itself connotes the image of breaking a barrier with force before one can pass through. No captor will just sit down quietly and watch you walk out free. Remember that the devil is a very subtle creature. He will come in the guise of well-meaning advice from friends, family and well wishers. A lot of people have been kept in bondage due to listening to people rather than seeking the counsel and face of God concerning their matter.
In our text of today, we read of blind Bartimaeus, who upon hearing that Jesus was around started to shout in a loud voice for mercy. His cries were offensive to the people around him. Some must have felt it was not appropriate to shout at the Master and told him to keep quiet. Others may have just been irritated by the noise and wanted to silence him. Still others might just not have wanted him to be delivered. Whatever their reasons, they all tried to silence him. But instead of listening to the opposition, he shouted even louder. And Jesus stood still and heard his cry and healed Him.
We must learn a few things from the example of blind Bartimaeus. Firstly, he cried out for mercy and help. Secondly, he also did not listen to the people that were telling him to keep quiet. Instead, he cried out and the Master heard his voice and responded. Many people seem to like to suffer in silence. While they go around complaining about their lot, they do not cry out by seeking God in prayer to lay down their supplications,
Have you asked God for healing or any other thing that you are desirous for or are you waiting for miracle to just drop on your lap? Stop complaining! Cry out God for mercy and help and He will answer you. You must know that there are plenty dream killers and naysayers around you who will do everything possible to stop your voice from being heard like in the case of the Blind Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was focused on getting results. So, he never considered the opinion of those that would have discouraged him. You must focus on God and not mind what people say and if you remain persistence and are in right standing with Him, He will surely answer you in due season.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Lord, have mercy on me and deliver me from the hands of my enemies, in Jesus name.
2. Every opposition and enemy of my progress trying to hold me down receive fire and burn to ashes, in Jesus name.
3. I reject every evil counsel trying to truncate my miracle, in Jesus name.
4. Dear Lord, surround my G. O and Mommy in the Lord with wise counsel, in Jesus name.
5. O Lord, grant us peace in our nation. We say no to war, in Jesus name:
Text: Mark 4:35-40
Memory Verse: โLet us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised).โ (Hebrews 10:23)
When God makes a promise He is faithful to keep it. He is the only one that can perform His word anytime, anyhow, anyway, and anywhere! He is not like man that is swayed by emotions and circumstances. He does what He says. This fact should be certain in our minds. For if we doubt Him then we stand the risk of missing out on His promise. At that point it will no longer be His fault but ours. It is my prayer that you will not miss the promise of God for your life in Jesus name.
The devil is always roaming around looking for opportunities to make children of God miss out on their freedom and instead enter into captivity. To achieve this, he tries to put obstacles, temptations and trials on our ways in order to make us doubt/lose faith and get discouraged. We must always remember that God is the owner of all power and that the devil is just a pretender who has no real power at all. He is just a mirage who when violently resisted will flee.
In today's passage, the disciples seemed to have forgotten that Jesus had said they were going to the other side of the lake. His word of authority had guaranteed a safe crossing no matter the tempest. On top of that, He was physically present with an army of invincible angles in tow. That is why He could fall asleep in the midst of the storm. He was confident that the Father would not allow any harm to befall Him. His disciples however lacked this basic understanding and were afraid and had to wake him up to still the storm: He rebuked them for their faithlessness.
We should not be like the disciples at that time, who did not trust the Lord to cross them over despite seeing the mighty miracles He performed every day. No matter what we are going through we should remember that we are not alone and that He who called us is faithful to see us through. He has promised that He will deliver us from ALL of our afflictions and cross us over. Therefore when we are going through a storm, we should not fret. Rather, we should call on Him and He will answer. Trust Him. He is faithful.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. O Lord, teach me to trust in you no matter the circumstance, in Jesus name.
2. I silence every raging storm in my life, in Jesus name.
3. I nullify every plan of the enemy to make me lose my blessings, in Jesus.
4. I pray for divine protection over my G. O and Mommy in the Lord and their children, in Jesus name.
5. Any spiritual conspiracy to cause war in our nation, be resisted by the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.
Text: John 4:23-24, John 14:6
Memory Verse: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free". John 8:32
While many people believe that there are several versions of the 'truth', the fact is that there can only be one truth. Truth is truth, plain and simple. It has no variants or alternatives. Unfortunately the devil has sold the idea of alternative truths to the world of today. That is why you hear mainstream media propagating the idea that no one religion is the gateway to Heaven and that there are various pathways to God. This is a big lie! The truth is that Christianity is the one and only way to God and Heaven.
How can we be so sure you may ask? This is because Jesus told us so and His word is truth. He told us He is the way; not away. This means, there is no other way. He told us that nobody could come to the Father but by Him. He is God and cannot lie. The devil is the father of all liars and was a liar from the beginning. So, who would you rather trust?
Many are under captivity because they do not know the truth. They are looking for salvation in false places where it cannot be found. They are deceived by the illusion of freedom only to realize later that they are in captivity! Take for example a young man desperately looking for financial freedom and in his desperation joins a cult that promises instant wealth. He joins the cult but soon finds out there are grievous conditions attached to the wealth, that makes him a hopeless captive which he was not told before. He soon finds out there is no free lunch.
It's only God that makes rich and adds no sorrow unto it. Jesus has said that when we know the truth it will set us free. True salvation, health, wealth and blessings can only be found in Him. Any other alternative, will lead into captivity. Maybe out of ignorance you are caught up in one bondage or the other, now you know the truth. There is a way out. Do not believe the lie you have been told that there is no turning back. Jesus is willing to receive a repentant soul back to Himself no matter the sins he/she has previous committed. He died to set you free. That is the truth. Embrace it and you shall be free indeed.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Lord, by your blood I am set free from every captivity of the devil, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every cage of the enemy, I break to pieces, in Jesus name.
3. Dear Lord, make all the Chosen ones to embrace your truth so they may be free, in Jesus name.
4. I cover my GO, Mommy in the Lord and their children in your precious blood, in Jesus name.
5. Father, grant us peace in our nation so that we can serve you without distraction, in Jesus name.
Text: Matthew 4: 3-11
Memory Verse: "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)
That we will be faced with many challenges and battles on our onward journey to Heaven is not in doubt. Jesus had warn us beforehand so we would be prepared. The good news is that He did not leave us defenseless. He has given us weapons of warfare necessary to win every battle that will come our way. If you are however not deploying these weapons, you have only yourself to blame.
One of the mighty weapons of war is the word of God. For every situation you find yourself in there is an appropriate word that will deal with that situation. Are you poor? His word says, โHe shall supply your needs according to His riches in glory." Are you in want? His word says, "All things are yours," and you should ask and it shall be given unto you". Are you sick? His word says, "By His stripes we are healed." Are you barren? His word says, "None shall be barren or cast their young." Are you oppressed? His word says, "Even the captive of the mighty shall be delivered." There is always a word in the Bible that addresses whatever problem you are going through.
In our text today, Jesus showed us exactly how we are to respond when we meet trials and tribulations. He challenged every tribulation/temptation with the word of God. He stood firm on the word knowing that it is the absolute truth and does not lie. With this, He was able to overcome the devil and his tricks. However, a weapon no matter how powerful it is, is useless if you don't use it. Many Christians when faced with a crisis or battle, do not use the word of God available to them. Instead, they start to cry and utter words that the enemy will use against them, giving the enemy more power to harm them.
The word of God is like a nuclear weapon. The enemy cannot withstand it when and if deployed. You must therefore stand on it and use it to pull down all the strongholds of the devil when faced with trouble. God will definitely honour His word.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Every battle raging in my life, receive the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.
2. O Lord, give me the grace to meditate on your word day and night so I will be able to stand the evil day, in Jesus name.
3. Lord, send me a word that will change my situation, in Jesus' name.
4. Let none of the words of my G.O fall to the ground, in Jesus' name.
5. Lord, we ask for peace in our nation Let every sign of war fizzle out, in Jesus name
Text: Psalm 126:4-6
Memory Verse: โ...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. "(Psalm 30:5b)
Nothing lasts forever. No matter how wonderful things may be going, sooner or later that chapter will come to an end. In the same vein, no matter how dire a solution seems, it too shall one day come to an end. That is what people mean when say, "This too shall passโ when undergoing a situation. Indeed, a day will come that will mark the end of every tribulation in your life, in Jesus name! What has a beginning must surely have an end.
Just as it is in the natural so is it in the spiritual. Every spiritual bondage will come to an end after encountering the power of God. Indeed the Bible says that joy cometh in the morning. This means crying may last for a night but in the morning there will be laughter. You should therefore not fret or worry when facing one crisis or the other. Instead of worrying and fretting you should engage in spiritual battle with all the weapons of warfare that God has made available for our use. Make sure you are living right, pray without ceasing, spread the good news of salvation to lost souls, meditate on the word of God and stand steadily in faith. If you do all these, God will definitely intervene in your matter in due season.
Just as God turned the sorrow of the Israelites into joy when He delivered them from the bondage of the Egyptians, He will cause you to laugh in due season. Never despair or fall into depression. Your troubles will not last forever. They are temporal but the power of God and His love for us is eternal and He has promised us that in the day of trouble when we call He will answer. Importantly, ensure that you have a right standing with God by way of salvation in Christ Jesus and make Him your Lord and personal Saviour. This will make your name to be cancelled from the book of death and written in the Lamb's book of life.
Therefore, if you are currently facing any challenging situation, know for sure that you will surely testify if you faint not. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength, for it will indeed end in praise.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Dear Lord, I thank you for turning my sorrow into joy, in Jesus name.
2. Everything causing sorrow in my life, receive divine rebuke, in Jesus name.
3. Give me the grace to wait upon you till my captivity turns around, in Jesus name.
4. Any manipulation of the enemy to cause my G.O and Mommy in the Lord sorrow receive Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name.
5. Lord, by your spirit and grace, let all the sponsors of war, anarchy and destruction operating in our land be exposed and disgraced, in Jesus name.
Text: Genesis 50: 15-20
Memory Verse: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Even in the midst of supposed trials and tribulations, we as children of God, should know for a fact that God will not allow us to face any trial or temptation that He knows we cannot bear or handle (1Corinthians 10:13). Indeed with every tribulation that we conquer, we attain a higher level in our Christian race. That means, no matter how bad a situation may seem to us especially while we are still going through the trial, at the end it will work out for our good and produce good results. Trials can be likened to the refining of gold. The gold must be put in fire before it can bring out the pure and beautiful nature of the stone. Likewise as Christians, we must sometimes go through tribulations in order to mature in our walk with the Lord. We must be tried and tested to ensure that our hearts are truly obeying and serving Him.
Joseph had a dream of greatness, and while the vision did not lie, the road to greatness was very rough. He must have felt initially that God would deliver the greatness to him on a platter of gold! How wrong he was! Instead, he went from frying pan to fire before he attained the promise of God. He was a slave and a prisoner before he became Prime Minster. His journey to greatness was littered with obstacles but his ability to hold on even in the midst of trials and temptations enabled him to succeed in the end.
If we look back, we can see that those trials were stepping stones to his final destination. He could not have become Prime Minster of Egypt if he was still in his father's house in Canaan. So, his brothers selling him as a slave to Egypt, was part of a greater plan to lead him to his place of destiny. He would not have met Pharaoh's servant if he was not thrown into prison. So, Potiphar's wife was also an unwilling agent in the hand of God. You can therefore see that there was a hidden blessing behind every storm he passed through. Even our Lord and Saviour's death on the cross, though painful for Him to bear, eventually ended up in the salvation of the whole world. Are you going through a rough patch at the moment? Do not worry. In the end what the enemy, meant for evil will work for your good in Jesus' name.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Dear Lord, I trust in you that you will make every troubling situation in my life work together for my good, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, cause all the evil plans of my enemies towards me to result in my good, in Jesus name.
3. Every storm raging against The Lord's Chosen shall work for our good and every plan of the devil to bring our G. O down will result in his lifting, in Jesus' name.
4. Lord, by your spirit and grace, our G. O and Mommy in the Lord will finish their course to your glory, in Jesus name.
5. Father, by the power in your word, we decree that as many as kill by the sword in this nation, shall fall by the sword, in Jesus name.
Text: 1 John 3:19-21
Memory Verse: "Unto the pure all things are pure; but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. "(Titus 1:15)
Some people are being held captive by a guilty conscience despite the fact that the Lord has made provision for them to be free. They are suffering from a guilty conscience because they feel that their sins are too grievous to be forgiven. For example a person who killed his close relative in order to do rituals or an armed robber who has killed thousands before they came to the realization of Christ might feel that the magnitude of their sins are too much for God to forgive. This is a lie of the devil. By selling them this lie the devil wants them to doubt the grace of God that gives salvation freely to anyone that approaches His throne of grace, Along the line they may become despondent and lose faith. People under this category should realize that no matter what they have done in the past, God is willing to forgive a truly repentant and contrite heart, Moses and Paul were murderers while David was an adulterer. Yet they were approved by God. Do not let your past becloud your future. In fact, anytime the devil reminds you of your past tell him about your future!
There is yet another category of people that are suffering from guilty conscience because they have not properly confessed their sins to God or those they have wronged by doing the required restitution. For example the person who killed a family member for rituals must not only ask God for forgiveness but also confess to other members of the family that he was the one responsible for the death of their mutual relative. While this might sound difficult, true repentance requires that you do this to free yourself from a guilty conscience. Until they do so, they will continue to be plagued by guilt.
Are you one of such people? Are you delaying restitution because you are afraid of the reaction of the people you offended? Ask God for the grace to do so without delay in order to be free from guilt. Remember, if your heart condemns you, God is greater than our hearts. The only way to get rid of a guilty conscious is to confess and do restitution. If you do this, the devil will no longer have a hold over you and you will be free indeed.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Dear Lord, your word says you will by no means cast away those that come to you. Help me to embrace your free gift of forgiveness today, in Jesus name.
2. Father, give me the grace to do any outstanding restitution and let me find favour before man, in Jesus name.
3. Lord, give me a clear and free conscience that will enable me to worship you in truth and spirit, in Jesus name.
4. Any accusation and allegation from the pit of hell against our G. O, Mommy in the Lord and their children, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus,
5. Any secret plot to cause mayhem and bloodbath in our nation, be halted by the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name.
Text: Genesis 19:12-14 then verses 24-25
Memory Verse: "He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.โ (Proverbs 29:1)
Many are in captivity today because they have continuously ignored God's warning. God is a merciful God. He does not willfully punish or send calamity to mankind. Rather, before He does anything He will send a warning in order to give you a chance to amend your ways. Even if He had planned to punish you, He can be influenced by your reaction to His warning: If we react positively by repenting, He can change His intended line of action as was in the case of the city of Nineveh after they hearkened to the warning of Jonah. But if we ignore Him, then He will suddenly carry out His judgment without further warning
In today's text, we see Lot pleading with his son-in-laws to come along with him and his family because the city was about to be overthrown by God. Instead of heeding the warning, they laughed him to scorn and felt he was joking until they were suddenly destroyed alongside the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Israelites of old also suffered the same fate. God sent prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea and Amos to warn them of impending doom when they went astray. He warned them consistently to no avail until He became fed up with their disobedience and led them into captivity.
Are you one of those that scoff at the warnings of God? Have you been hearing the undiluted word of God but have not deemed it fit to amend your ways? Do you read your Bible but are selective in application? Be careful not to provoke the anger of God. His warnings should not be taken lightly. While it is true that He is a merciful God, He is also a consuming fire. It is only a fool that contends with his Maker and hopes to come out of it unscathed. It is time to take stock and consider your ways before it is too late. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Lord, give me the grace to always heed your warnings, in Jesus name.
2. I pray for all the Chosen Ones; that we may not take your mercy for granted, in Jesus name.
3. Lord, in your mercy, turn away any impending judgment against us due to sin, in Jesus name.
4. Dear Lord, shower your grace upon our G. O and Mommy in the Lord so that they will continue to abide daily in your presence, in Jesus name.
5. Lord, by your spirit and power, we declare that we shall not fight any war in our nation, in Jesus name.
Text: Matthew 9:35-38
Memory Verse: โTherefore said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.โ (Luke 2:9)
The Bible tells us that wide and broad is the gate that leads to destruction and many enter in to it. This means to say that many people are headed on the pathway to hell. While a few people knowingly choose this path, a vast majority of people are headed to hell unknowingly and may even think they are heaven bound. Many so-called 'Christians' that have been deceived with a diluted version of the gospel will at the end of their lives be shocked when they hear the words, 'Depart from me; for I know you not."
We are fortunate that in The Lord's Chosen we have been exposed to the genuine undiluted Word of God. It now beholds on us to make sure that other souls that are being deceived in numerous places of error and the whole world also know the truth. You should not be satisfied being the only one that is genuinely saved in your family, place of work or community. You should equally be determined to rescue as many souls as you can. You are now an ambassador of Christ and it is your duty to recruit more souls into the kingdom.
Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ was committed to saving lost souls. That was His purpose throughout His earthly mission. He did not rest because He saw that the work was enormous but there were just few workers. Are you a willing laborer in the kingdom of God? Have you preached the good news of salvation to your family, friends and even people you are not aquatinted with? Hell is a terrible place that nobody should end up in. The selfish rich man after ending up in hell was worried that his brothers may also end up there and requested Lazarus to be sent back to warn them. If a selfish man like that was desperately trying to get the word to his brethren so that they will not end up in the same place as him, we should earnestly try to win the souls of our family members and friends while we still have the chance too. If you truly love them you would not want them to end up in hell.
Just as we have been graciously saved from the devil's captivity, we should also actively seek to save those that are still captive. This is a service we owe our Lord Jesus Christ. name.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Dear Lord, make me a worthy ambassador for your kingdom, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, grant me the boldness to preach your word in and out of season, in Jesus name.
3. Father, let your zeal burn in me, in Jesus name.
4. O God, give our G. O and Mommy in the Lord the grace and strength to continue to win souls for your kingdom all around the world, in Jesus name.
5. Lord, by your mercy, preserve our nation from evil and destruction, in Jesus name.
Text: 1Corinthians 15:9-10
Memory Verse: "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.โ (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Often times we Christians underestimate the power of the grace of God that is upon our lives. In fact, people really do not know what the grace of God is all about. It is often mistaken in these times as a license to get away with sin because, it is seen as unmerited favour. You hear many Christians after committing one sin or the other say things like, 'thank God for grace' or 'we are living under His grace.' This is a wrong application of the grace of God. While it is true that grace is unmerited favour, it is not an excuse for sin. Indeed grace is actually God's empowerment that enables us to do the things we otherwise could not have done in our flesh. It is grace that enables us to live an acceptable Christian life in this ungodly world. It is His grace that allows us to rise above sin and overcome temptation.
Before the coming of Jesus there was no grace available for believers. The Israelites lived under the Law of Moses and had to frequently offer sacrifices because they found it difficult to live up to the requirements of the law due to the weakness of their flesh. But after the death of Christ on the cross, grace was given to all believers to enable them to live righteous lives. The grace of God that was bestowed on end time believers empowers us to live holy lives as required by God. This is because the Holy Spirit (part of His divine nature) now dwells in us. Consider the fact that before grace came while the Israelites were under the law, the sin of adultery was committed when two people actually committed the act, but when grace came, only looking at a person lustfully was equaled to adultery. Likewise under the law, a person committed murder only when He killed somebody, but under grace if you call your brother a fool you have committed murder. You can see that under grace a higher standard is required of us than when people were under the law. This is because God knows that we have been empowered by grace to be able to live righteously. With grace, our weakness are made strong.
We therefore have no excuse not to live a victorious Christian life. Just like Paul, we should determine that the grace of God upon our lives should not be in vain. We have been empowered to excel and His grace is sufficient for all our needs.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Lord, empower me with your grace so I can live a victorious Christian life, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, let not your grace upon my life be in vain, in Jesus name.
3. Father, I thank you for the grace you have bestowed upon the life of my G. O and Mommy in the Lord, in Jesus name.
4. Lord, I pray for an increase of grace upon the life of my G. O and Mommy in Lord, in Jesus name.
5. Father, grant us peace in our nation. We decree there shall be no war, in Jesus name.
Text: Numbers 14:1-4
Memory Verse: "For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world..."(2 Timothy 4:10a)
Imagine a prisoner who has been granted pardon and acquitted and has been graciously released from prison. He will no doubt be overjoyed and take all steps to ensure that he never does anything again that will land him back into prison. Can you imagine for such a person to willingly go back to a life of crime that will land him back in prison? To end back in prison after such a lucky break would be foolish.
However, this is exactly what happens when a person who has experienced a new life in Christ decides to backslide. He is technically going back into captivity. This might sound strange but the fact is that many people that become born again find it hard to forget their past life. They still long for the so called 'pleasures' they left behind. They are not ready to take up their cross which is required to follow Christ. Like Lot's wife they keep looking back at what they left behind. They do not know that these so called 'pleasures' are actually traps to lead them back into captivity.
In our text of today, we see the Israelites longing to go back to Egypt. Anytime they encountered an obstacle along the way, they would quickly forget the bondage and the hardship they left behind and start longing to go back. They would rather remember the food and the houses and other "luxuries' and start to complain and murmur. They easily forgot all God's benefits towards them. They were tired of roaming the wilderness. They forgot that it was their disobedience that turned a 70-day trip into 40 years. They however did not realize that going back to Egypt would mean going back to captivity and eternal bondage. They were willing to sacrifice their freedom for the illusion of comfort. What a pity! Their attitude eventually provoked the anger of God and He vowed that they would not enter His promise land.
Brethren, never be tempted to go back to your vomit no matter the obstacle you might meet along the way. Where God is taking you to, is much better than whatever you had to give up to follow Christ. He has in store for you a glorious future. Why go back to captivity when the Lord has paid such a high price for your freedom? The price He paid is much more than anything you have given up to follow Him. Going back will lead to destruction and death. Do not be deceived by the vanity of this world. Remember Lot's wife.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Continuation brings freedom. Therefore, Lord, give me the grace to continue no matter the challenges, in Jesus name.
2. I command every voice speaking discouragement and disillusionment into my heart to be silenced forever, in Jesus name.
3. Lord, by your grace and mercy, I will never go back to the world, in Jesus name.
4. Dear Lord, uphold my G. O and Mommy in the Lord so that they will remain encouraged even in the midst of trials and temptations, in Jesus name.
5. Father, by your mercy, deliver our nation from the hands of blood sucking demons and their human agents, in Jesus name.
Text: Deuteronomy 30: 15-19
Memory Verse: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.โ (John 3:16)
One gift that God has bequeathed mankind with is the freedom of choice. God does not compel anybody to do anything by force. Even when He knows that your choice may have an adverse consequence, He will not interfere with your free will. You are the architect of your destiny. You alone determine your fate.
In His mercy however, God has not left us without direction. He has laid out several guidelines and laws for us to follow so that we will not end up in sudden destruction or hell fire. He has given us commandments that if we follow, will help us make the right decisions. He has also through His Word and His prophets made known to us His will and mind so that we can know what He wants us to do. He also has made known His numerous promises and blessings and the conditions attached to them if we are desirous of obtaining them. We can therefore not claim ignorance of the will of God or say we were left clueless.
In our text, Moses, as he approached the time of his death, took time to lay down the options available for the Israelites to choose form. They could either serve the Lord their God who had delivered them from Egypt and shown them so much mercy and by doing so choose life which will ensure peace and blessing or forsake Him and follow other gods and by so doing choose a life of terrible curses and afflictions and ultimately death. The choice was theirs. But after laying out the options, Moses did not leave it up to them to guess. He went further to point them into the direction of life.
Today Jesus is also advising you to choose life. God loves you so much and has sent Jesus to die the death that you deserved so that you may have eternal life. He has freed you from the captivity of the devil. Why should you still remain in bondage? Why must you die? Be wise and choose life today so it can be well with you.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Let any force warring against my soul, receive judgment of the Lord, in Jesus name.
2. I decree that I shall not die, but live to proclaim your glory, in Jesus name.
3. Father, by your grace, I pray that all the Chosen ones will choose eternal life, in Jesus name.
4. Dear Lord, I pray that the strength of my G. O and Mommy in the Lord shall be renewed, in Jesus name.
5. Every program and plan of war and destruction in our nation, be averted, in Jesus name.
Text: James 3:2-13
Memory Verse: "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles." (Proverbs 21:23)
The spoken word is very powerful. God created the heavens and the earth through the spoken word (Genesis 1:1-26). When He speaks a thing, it comes to pass. The Bible tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).
Because the spoken word holds so much power, it is advisable that a Christian does not engage in frivolous or idle talk. Proverbs 10:19 says, "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise." Too much talk will lead you to sin. Your words are also to be laced with grace and gentleness. It is not becoming of a Christian to engage in harsh, abusive, or immoral talk. The Bible warns us that evil communication corrupts good manners (1 Corinthians 15:33).
Aside from the foregoing, rash and careless words can also lead you into captivity. Many people are in captivity because of the careless words they have spoken in time past. Careless phrases such as โover my dead body", "I rather die than..." or "may so, so and so happen to me if I don't...โare what has caused many people to be in one captivity or the other. A careless word can have long lasting effects even years after it has been spoken. People have uttered hasty vows without giving it careful thought and are now under bondage for breaking such vows.
Matthew 12:36 warns us that we will be held accountable for every idle word. That means you should weigh your words before speaking. What idle words have you spoken in time past that has brought you under the captivity of the devil today? God is a God of mercy and compassion. Cry out to Him for mercy and He will turn your situation around. You must however be careful going forward to bridle you tongue so as to avoid going into bondage again.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Lord, deliver me from any effective of idle or careless words working havoc in my life today, in Jesus name.
2. I renounce every negative confession I made carelessly in time past, in Jesus name.
3. Every demon using my words to wreck havoc in my life, receive judgment, in Jesus name.
4. Every negative word that has been uttered against The Lord's Chosen Ministry, our G. O and Mommy in Lord, backfire, in Jesus name.
5. Lord, grant us victory over every spirit of war and destruction assigned against the peace of this nation, in Jesus name.
Text: Psalm 126
Memory Verse: โAnd I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive. (Jeremiah 29:14)
Our God is a faithful God. We have once again been blessed to see the end of another month. All glory and honour to His name! During this month of Jubilee for Captives the Lord has proved Himself mighty and faithful. We have heard of numerous testimonies of the deliverance He has brought about for His people. Many people that were captive to sickness, barrenness, poverty, failure, oppression etc. have been set free. He has turned the sorrow of many to joy. He has wiped away tears. He has dumbfounded the devil and his agents. He has made the wise of this earth to look foolish and only He can take the glory. Hallelujah!
As the month ends today, some people may still be awaiting the turn of their captivity. I want to assure you that as long as you have committed to living right and are following the teachings from the pulpit, your turn shall surely come in due season. God is never late. He will answer you just as He has done for others in time past. He is no respecter of persons. Just continue to wait and give Him thanks for the things He has done and is yet to do. Your expectation will not be cut short, in Jesus name.
However, if you are living in sin and think you are deceiving others, you are not only prolonging your captivity, but also stand the risk of losing your life altogether. Many have been set free and are enjoying a new lease of life in Christ Jesus. What are you still waiting for? Delay is dangerous and can be costly. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart today. Will you open? If you do He will enter and change your life around and end your captivity today. Make haste to amend your ways and it shall be well with you.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Thank you Lord for making us to see the end of this month in peace and good health, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, thank you for setting the captives free by your mighty deliverance, in Jesus name.
3. Lord, as we have been delivered, give us the enabling grace not go back into captivity again, in Jesus name.
4. Father, we thank you for the life and ministry of our G. O and Mommy in the Lord. Continue to uphold them, in Jesus name.
5. Lord, by your spirit, we declare that peace shall reign in our nation in the months and years ahead, in Jesus name.