Facebook, twitter, What's app, Snap chat, messenger, pinterest, digg, google plus, instagramโ€ฆ.how many do you have? And the real question is, how long do you spend on them everyday?

Research is starting to suggest that social media is playing a part in lower grades at school, as well as breakdowns in relationships, family connections and a rise in ADD type health concerns. The problem is that more and more of us are becoming addicted to social media!

How about you? Are you addicted? You may not like to admit it, but how long could you really go without just checking in? A weekend? Hmm how about 2 hours? It can be tough to admit that it is actually tougher than it should be. The buzz that we get when people react to things that we are doing and sharing can feel good, and it can actually take over the way we choose to live our lives. External validation becomes the main motivation for our choices, and that is a sad thought. Are we as a species so insecure that we need โ€˜likesโ€™ to feel worthy?

If you check through your Facebook, send a couple of tweets and double tap numerous insta-posts before you even leave the bed then it could mean that it is time to take charge of the situation before you go iCrazy! Donโ€™t be too hard on yourself. These apps are designed to make you check consistently and frequently. Fortunately, Strut Camp has some great tips that you can start using right away to help you overcome your time-zapping habit.

Set Some Strict Boundaries

Choose some rules for yourself, that you stick to consistently. Maybe you can set an intention to never look at your phone during lessons or lectures. Perhaps meal times should also be a no-phone zone, or Wednesday evenings. The bathroom could be forbidden, or perhaps the bed. You can decide for yourself, but once you set the rule you have to stick to it!

Get An Alarm Clock And A Watch

One of the reasons that we look at our phones regularly is to check the time, and while it is in your hand it is very tempting to just check in and see what is happening in the world of social media. It is not uncommon to put the phone down after ten minutes of flicking through an old friendโ€™s photo album without registering the time at all!

Skip this pitfall by wearing a watch. Then when you need to know the time you wonโ€™t be sidetracked by the lure of instagram! Save yourself from early morning phone surfing too by purchasing an alarm clock instead of using your phone.

Limit To 2 Networks

Consider why you need so many networks, especially when many do exactly the same thing. It can become a cycle, where you check email, Facebook, twitter, instagram, linked in, pinterest and then when you are done you can start over again. Time is our most precious resource, so consider how much you could save just by cutting back on the apps that you utilise.

Disable Alerts And Remove Games

Another great tip is to disable all alerts from your phone. The psychological pull to check notifications is already strong enough, you hardly need to be dragged back to the phone at times when you are happily engrossed in something else. Addicting games are  something to avoid like the plague. They are dangerously time consuming and do nothing for you in terms of health and happiness! Worse, they can be extremely frustrating.

If you use a laptop then why not remove social media apps from your phone altogether? Do you really need them in your pocket day in day out, no matter where you are? It may seem drastic, but the gift of being present in your life and taking note of the world around you far outweighs the price of wondering what is going on in the world online.

Delete Arbitrary People

How many of your Facebook friends are really your friends? How many of your twitter followers interest you? Streamline your social media habits by weeding out the extras, and save your precious time for the ones that really matter to you instead!

Get A Notebook

When an interesting thought pops into your head why not write it out, by hand, in a notebook. You know, the paper kind! Why do you need to share every passing random bit of inspiration with the world? Is it just for positive feedback? Try trusting your own judgement for a change and see what happens. You can eat a sandwich without sharing a photo. A workout still burns calories if you donโ€™t check in at the gym. Resist every urge to post and enjoy moments in life without the pressure of making them pretty through a filter first!

Visit Your Friends

Why not go and see your friends today instead of posting on their wall? Try other forms of โ€˜old fashionedโ€™ communication, like picking up the phone to chat (with your mouth) or sending a paper mail. It will be a welcome and refreshing change and the real connection will feel so good.

Make Time For What Matters

Time is limited, and you can never get it back โ€“ so spend it wisely. What matters to you? Your family, loved ones, your career. Make those things a priority and let social media simmer on the back burner. It will always be there when you have a spare minute to check in. So disable your internet if you have to, put your phone on silent and focus on your real life and not just your virtual one.

We hope that these tips will help you to break your social  media addictions. If you really struggle to cut back you may need to consider deactivating for a while instead! Live your life, take a break from the smartphone!

What are your thoughts? Are you a social media addict? We would love to hear from you!


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