Text: 1Samuel 17:45 says " Then said David to the philistine, thou comest to me with a sword,and a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defiled."
Memory Verse: Zach 4:7

Most of you know the story of David and Goliath. However it is not only having head knowledge of the story that matters. What matters is how do you apply the knowledge gained there to your present Goliath? Your Goliath today can be joblessness, sickness, poverty, affliction business failure, demonic attack etc. These things might be posing a great challenge to your life, just like the Goliath of the Bible was challenging and ridiculing the armies of Israel and they were afraid and hiding in their cocoons. It took little David to recognize that Goliath was an uncircumcised Philistine and so not qualified to stand before the armies of God, let alone warring against them. Have the challenges you are passing through so much overwhelmed you that you have forgotten that God of Chosen is a great God? Remember the size of Goliath did not intimidate little David because he had an implicit trust in the God of heaven. David confronted Goliath without minding his size and height because he knew that God was the one fighting for him and so, he saw Goliath as bread. At last, God helped him to slay Goliath.
Bible says " I will fight for you and you will hold your peace." Whatever presents itself as a Goliath or mountain, know it today that you cannot do anything by your power. If God does not help you, you cannot help yourself. Therefore, no matter the Goliath that has presented itself before you, the victory you will have over it will depend on your level of confidence in God. David so much trusted in God that he was not seeing himself, rather he was through his mind's eye seeing the Almighty God backing him up. I wasn't you to see that Goliath/mountain as very small. They cannot stand before my God. Therefore, take the position of David now and shoot that Goliath down now. God used David to kill Goliath to show that he does not save by multitude of soldiers. Confront that situation now and God will give you victory.

Prayer Points:
* Pray earnestly for spiritual empowerment.
* Now confront that Goliath and God will back
you up.


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