And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Take thy father’s young bullock, even the second bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it: Judges 6:25
Memorise: "And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD,and walked in the ways of David his father, and declined neither to theright hand, nor to the left."(2 Chronicles 34:2) Read 2 Chronicles 34:1-12
From the above verse, we come to understand that King Josiah had the hunger to do the will of God. He knew the God that his father David served and began to seek after him. He had seen the captivity brought upon Israel because they polluted the land with idol worship and therefore resolved not to make the same mistake. He knew that without God, his nation would be nowhere. He understood very clearly that ridding the country from every form of idolatry was the key to freedom, prosperity and peace. So, he began a process of cleansing by throwing down altars and shrines and burning them with fire. At the end, he purged the land of idolatry.
The reward of King Josiah's action was that God exonerated him for whatever calamity that was destined for the land. God also assured him of a peaceful transition to the great beyond. (2 Chronicles 34:28) What about you that are seeking for freedom? One thing you must know is that without God on your side, you will not escape the captivity of the enemy. You must therefore purge yourself from idolatry in all its ramifications.
Anything standing between you and serving God insincerity of heart is like an idol in your life. It could be fornication, adultery, anger, envy, covetousness, wickedness, etc. It could be make-up, weave-on, bleaching, and indecent dressing whether as a man or a woman, drunkenness, gluttony and so on. These things can only succeed in entangling you more into captivity. Like Josiah purged the land of Israel of idolatry during his days, you need to purge you life of all these things as your freedom from captivity largely depends on the spiritual state of your being. You must therefore seize the opportunity of this Month of Freedom for the Captives to tidy up every loose end by means of repentance.