We live in a changing world where rapid advancement is the other of the day, the world moves and everything in it keeps changing.  The rapid advancement in technology is changing the workforce and some of the most popular skill sets and jobs are becoming obsolete. Young people should start thinking for an alternate career that is in sync with the future, it is time to think and decide about what is ahead and the work of the future in order to remain relevant and not outdated. As the world evolves, so do jobs trends and job descriptions; it’s important to structure your career so that you will be in demand in several years.  Various inventions are introduced daily by scientist to make life and things easy, robot are being developed to take over many jobs and handle different responsibilities meant to be handled by humans. 

The bad news is that this Robot is developed and prepared with various human intelligence intact and companies in few years from now will start laying off their staff. 

Some big companies in the world have started this already. The need for human labor is decreasing daily as the world evolves and according to research, by the year 2025, technology takes full control of many sectors, only those with the right skills will survive at this time. 

Young people should not be fast to move into any profession or learn any skills available but they should think of the works of the future so they won’t be outdated in the changing world soon to surface. Let’s take a look at a few of the sectors young people should think of going into to prepare themselves for the workforce and jobs of the future. *Healthcare, *Information technology, *Alternative Energy, *International Law, *Content creation, *Marketing, *Financial Analyst etc.

These are some of the best sectors needed in the job and profession of the future; mastery into any of this sector will make you relevant to becoming the personnel companies and big organizations in the world sought for daily. You will remain in the market offering needed and quality services and giving out solutions which in return brings back huge income to you. A preparation for this time is important to every young person who doesn’t want to be outdated in the work of the future that is here before us. Young people should learn skills, not just any skills but skills relevant for the future. It is time to learn for the future not for the moment. 

As you go to school, it is important to have the works of the future at heart as this will help you go for the right choice of courses needed to prepare you for the changing world. It is important to also note that, you can’t feature in all the works for the future; you need to go or chose what work best for you and your personality. Learn something about everything but be the best at one area. When people think of that area of problem, they think about you, which mean they look for you. Don’t go for what everyone is doing; go for what is uncommon but relevant in the works of the future. The time is now!! Deploy your gift – because a gift cannot be fired or employed; beyond skills, qualifications, experience & talents, your gift is what sets the rules of engagement and determine how much you make.



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