Every youth is intelligent, if you condemn a youth because of his or her ability of not doing something right, that youth can spend his or her life thinking that he or she is a failure or they are not intelligent. As a youth, find your environment, discover your plan and purpose, find your flow and identify your potential; "your coming out in life is a determination of who you are, what you are carrying and the revelation of your life is unexpectedly to people". No one was born empty, you are a mystery waiting to happen, there is something in you that has been ordained to manifest, there is a reason and purpose for your existence that you are carrying inside you; a possibility that only your life was designed to express. You are a solution to a problem, a divine statement and a mine of potential waiting to be unleashed. But, it is unforrtunate that many are hopeless, confused, limited, stagnant, impoverished and in prison because they fail to take the initiative towards a life of distinction. If any youth will achieve greatness and fulfill purpose he/she must carry out 4D's or the important KEYS to unlock his/her potential.
Segments To Elaborate
           Your future and all that your life hold is "inside of you", so the journey to fulfillment and a brighter future begins from inside you to outside and anyone who seeks to make progress in life must make the following discovery along this line;
WHO AM I? You must discover your uniqueness and what makes you different from others, you have a traits, identity ( physical & spiritual), and peculiarities, This is a question of Personality.
WHY AM I HERE? No one exists in a void or without an intention behind his creation: You as an individual were created to fulfill a particular assignment on earth; a discovery of the "Why" for your life empowers your life. This is a question of Purpose.
WHERE AM I GOING? Direction kills effort but lack of direction ends you nowhere, many are handicapped because they haven't caught a revelation of their destination. A man without a destination will go anywhere and follow anyone at any point in time. This is a question of Destiny.
HOW CAN I GET THERE? There is a path to walk and a price to pay in preparation. You must chart the course to your destiny. Take responsibility of your journey from where you are to where you have envisioned for your life.
WHAT CAN I DO? No man is impotent, even many physically challenged individuals has proved that there is ability even in disability; Hellen Keller, Vijucic e.t.c. have proven that in every person there is a gift, talent, ability, strength etc. That if discovered and harnessed can become a ladder of elevation for your life.
   Whatsoever you discover must be harnessed, cultivated, nurtured, increase and build-up only then can there be expression or manifestation. To develop what you have discovered about yourself you must;
i. Find your environment I.e get into the right place.
ii. Build Character
iii. Build up your skills
iv. Build a learning Culture and keep upgrading.
v. Build a discipline life
vi. Leverage on " who you know" as partners.
vii. Volunteer in area of your passion & ability.
viii. Avoid waste
ix. Redeem your time-" in the Grace lane there is Labour"
x. Implementation attach timeliness.
  As a youth, on your path to distinction and to excellent life there abounds many challenges but your determination to head where you are going to or achieve your purpose in life is what set you apart and position you for an extraordinary life. "You cannot travail within and not prevail without", don't stop trying, learn to take No and try again, be diligence ( constant, determined, effort) and focused on your big picture, "Winners don't quit and Quitter's don't win", Life will always give way to people who knows where they are going and who is on the right way.
The strangest thing that will happen to anyone is to come in contact to an opportunity ordained to uplift him and he lose it because of deficit, laziness, fear, shame and inaction etc. Champions are known for prompt, decisive and optimum actions. So you must learn to act with speed, to recover and act again until doors are open for you and obstacles be removed from your way. To deliver maximally in life and arrive gloriously on the finish line of destiny, you must;
i. Pay attention to details
ii. Build momentum (mass x velocity)
iii. Act quickly
iv. Recharge
v. Spiritual Intelligence (insight and revelation).
The above will be reality if you commit to contributions and serving humanity and putting excellence & honesty to everything you are doing and it will bring a delivery of all that is written concerning you.


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