Remember Mercy oh Lord!

TOPIC: Remember Mercy oh Lord!

Text: Habakkuk 3:1-2, Jame 2:13

Many have been going through terrible situations for a long time and have done everything humanly possible to overcome the problems, yet, the problems persist, some have seen the dangers ahead through dream or revelation, as a result of their past evil life and keep wondering if God can forgive them. “I want to let you know that God is here today and will have mercy”. It may be that you’re not sure of your future, the only option now is the mercy of God. You may have fasted and prayed severally, “as I pray for you today, no matter how many years you have suffered, my God will show you mercy today”. 

Point 1: The examples and reasons 

Many people have sinned against God in time past and as a result were under severe judgement, e.g the children of israel, when they murmured against God and against Moses, and God brought judgement upon them, but Moses pleaded for mercy upon them, Numbers 14:1-4 & 10-20. “You see you today, I don’t know what you’ve done and God has decided to destroy you, only mercy can deliver you!” “I don’t know what you have been through, but the assurance I’m giving to you is that as we cry for Mercy, heaven will pay attention to you”. Another instance of when the children of israel provoked God, Judge 2:19, 3:6-8, “you might be among those that have provoked God in time past and his wrath is upon you, except for mercy, you’ll continue to suffer, but today Mercy will cancel that judgement”, Judge 3:12-15. Some people are just going from one problem to another because they continue committing sin, some people are in prison without even knowing. Judges 4:1-3, the children of israel did evil again! Judge 6:1-5. “You see you! God will show you Mercy” “if you don’t know how to cry to God unto Mercy, I am here for you Today and God will show you Mercy” “as God raised a prophet unto the children of israel, I am here also as a prophet and today you must come out of that prison!” Judge 10:7-8, “you see you, enough of you being under the enemy, today, that yoke must break in your life” Judge 13:1, “stop sinning, stop offending God so you can live a prosperous Life”. The whole world need to cry and come to God for Mercy because the evil and judgement in the world is too much. The children of Nineveh cried unto God and He showed them Mercy. Jon 3:1-10, even Jonah cried for mercy in the belly of the Fish Jon 2:1-10, David also cried for mercy and God showed him Mercy, Ps 51:1-12, 2 Sam 12:13, “you see you today, I don’t know the evil you’ve done, as you repent today, you’ll hear ‘thou shall not die’”. Abimelech was a hithen king, he took Abraham’s wife and God closed the womb of his wife until he  realized it and cried unto God for mercy Gen 20, Peter also an apostle, when he denied Christ, he cried for mercy and God showed Mercy. Mic 7:18-19, “you see you, God will take pleasure in showing you Mercy”, Lam 3:22, what has kept us alive till today is Mercy. Our prayers today shall be “oh Lord, in your wrath, Remember Mercy!”.

Point 2: Our response and the Benefits

No matter your evils in the past and the consequences you’re suffering now, as you cry for Mercy today, the Lord will show you Mercy and will turn your situation around. Lam 3:22, Ps 51:1-19, 56:1, 57:1-2, 67:1, 69:1-5, 40:1-2, “you see you, today you’ll come out of that pit”, “after this program, all of you shall be established on the rock of ages!, Any man that rise up against you is in trouble”. “You see you, you will sing a new song, you shall never be under curse or any form of judgement anymore”

For sinners and backsliders…you should receive Jesus into your life and there shall be positive change in your life. 1 John 3:8-9, 1 John 5:17, anger is sin, lying, bearing grudge, lusting after evil, covetousness, envy, speaking evil of others, cursing people, swearing with Heaven and earth, visiting the native doctors, cultism etc confess all sins and amend your ways. I don’t know the evil you’re into, be it masturbation, fornication, prostitution, child trafficking, human trafficking, assassinations, ritual killings and so on confess them and amend your ways. Matt 19:4, marriage is between a man and a woman till death do them part, Jer 4:30, Deut 22:5, Rev 21:8, 1 Cor 6:9, Proverb 28:13, why I’m saying all these things is because, if you don’t know what evil is, how will you repent of them? Exo 12:13, John 1:29, 3:16, 19:30, 14:6, John 8:36, Matt 11:28, John 1:12, 2 Cor 5:17, Matt 6:33, Rom 10:13.

Do you want to be saved??

Rise up and cry for Mercy…..



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